Sunday, May 22, 2011

Favourite Molecule

              Nitroglycerin is awesome because the history is fascinating. Something that was so easily made was quickly turned into something deadly. It was, and still is, considered one of the most powerful explosives with a name that sounds awesome. Not to mention its previous name, pyroglycerin, and how (though not “cool”) many people it killed. It makes people using this explosive product be careful with what they are handling which makes this product literally living on the edge.

          Nitroglycerin is an awesome favourite molecule! It explodes so easily, perfect for warding off any night time predators. Dynamite is an excellent explosive. Made without the unstable properties of nitroglycerin by itself, dynamite can be shipped more easily and safely than pure nitroglycerin. It's interesting how an explosive such as this can clear blocked oil wells without causing the oil to erupt in flames. 

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